Inspired by the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education, our preschool program is a peaceful & engaging setting for children ages 2-5, to create and explore through an arts infused, collaborative, hands-on project based curriculum.
Rooted in nature, children will have the daily opportunity for creative expression through the exploration of child-led, process based learning opportunities. These thought provoking projects challenge and engage children while naturally encouraging them to question, reason, hypothesize, develop self-confidence, gain independence and learn. Children work in mixed age groups, as well as smaller, age specific groups throughout the morning.
Included in tuition is Spanish foreign language instruction, yoga , gardening and healthy snacks. We incorporate environmental education into all facets of our program, from recycled materials in the classroom, to conservation, to organic gardening; nature is a primary element of our program.
We support and encourage parent involvement and volunteering. Parents of currently enrolled children are always welcome to drop-in and observe at any time.
Our Preschool Program
Below is a sample daily schedule. Please complete an enrollment inquiry to schedule a tour our learning environment and to learn more about our program.
Green World School- Daily Schedule
8:00-9:00am Morning Arrival & Early Morning Work Session
9:15-9:30am Bilingual Morning Circle
9:30-10:30am Morning Work Session
10:30-10:40am Classroom Clean-up
10:40-11:00am Dancing/Yoga
11:00-11:15am Restrooms/Prep to go out side
11:15-12:00pm Outdoor Play
Noon-12:30pm Wash Hands & Lunch
12:30-2:00pm Rest Time/ Quiet Work for Non-nappers
2:00-2:30pm Restrooms/Snack & Prep for Going Outdoors
2:30-3:00pm Outdoor Play
3:00-3:30pm Afternoon Circle/Story Time
3:30-5:00pm PM Work Session/ Classroom Clean up/Prep to go home